Designing your Wedding Flowers

Here is an outline of how we will work together to design & create your wedding flowers.

  • 1. Enquire

    Get in touch with us using our contact form and once we receive your enquiry, we’ll arrange a time to meet, either at your home, wedding venue or in our studio. Don’t worry if you are short on time, zoom also works just as well.

    Together we’ll go over all your ideas, plans and dreams for your wedding flowers. I’ll get to know you as a couple, what’s important to you both and how you would like your wedding to feel on the day and how I can bring this to life for you.

  • 2. Inspire

    Following our meeting I will create a bespoke proposal for you both detailing your wedding flowers. This will be filled with images, hand-drawn sketches, moodboards, example flowers, the price list and next steps so you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about me as your wedding florist.

    If you would like to go ahead, I will then send over the booking details and secure your date.

  • 3. Detail

    From here, we’ll keep in touch in the run up to your wedding and work into the details of which flowers are perfect for you, what you would like your bouquets to look like, and work in all the little moments that will make your flowers truly memorable.

    Don’t worry if your ideas change and you think of new ways to incorporate flowers into your wedding day, we are here to bring it all to life.

  • 4. Create

    This is where the magic happens! The Unwalled Garden Team will be up with the birds on the morning of your wedding (and the days before) to create all your floral arrangements from scratch to your exact requirements.

    We’ll be there to pin on buttonholes, straighten flower crowns and give you your bouquet before you make your way down the aisle. We’ll also stay until the party starts, moving arrangements from ceremony to reception and making sure every petal is absolutely perfect.